Artist Agreement. Works Submission Form, June 1997.

Web art for commercial release. Statement & Agreement.

This site provides two services:

  • 1. A place where Webmasters can obtain legal license for artwork to use on their sites.
  • 2. A space where artists, designers and tech types can display and lease works.

    HTML Template
    HTML Template for colored pages

    You work and should be compensated. The way of the web makes it easy for others to use your work with out compensating you, and this is hard to change. We can however, make it easy for those needing your services to have access to these works at bites they can afford so they don't have to steal the work. You may still earn a reasonable fee or commission for the work. You set the rate for your work or series. Charges, as reflected on the template is the minimum charge to customers.

    Exposure at SPICED COM may even get you a commission on another custom project, where then; a thank you email note to your associates at Spiced Com will be appreciated. Your email may be posted on our trophy page.

    Spiced Com provides you - the artist another opportunity to display and receive payment for your works directly linked to from this site. The program is simple where you verify your rights of "ownership and rights to display your art" in this venue. You provide your works for review and lease by customers of this site in the template formats provided. When your submitted work is leased by a customer, you will share 55% of any collected fees for that single transaction. Single transaction meaning that you will get paid every time someone pays for your work for as many times the work is leased. Payment will be made within 30 days, by check, after the customers payment clears the bank deposit of Spiced.Com. A full 10% of the lease fee will be accrued, to be used to enhance copyright laws and enforcement programs where perhaps, as the fund build allows, sites with stolen or unauthorized copyrighted works will be challenged. The 10% accural may also be used for other legal expenses of this site. Your rights to your share of any fees collected by Spiced Com for your works, may be transfered, willed or distributed to your heir(s), as you dictate and update to the file(s) of Spiced Com, with proper legal documentation for as long as you have legal rights to the art and it is displayed on and your account is maintained in good standing.

    There are several steps required to feature your works and portfolio.

  • I. To submit your work, please completly fill and sign this form and mail it to Spiced Com, per piece or series. This current form should be used within 7 days of the forms download. If a new agreement form is posted and made available, there will only be a 7 day grace period after which time, submited works will not be binding to the agreement of the obsolete document downloaded 8 days earlier. All submissions made prior to the end of the 7 day grace period will stand, as the agreement. For past works submitted, prior to the posting of the new agreement, these agreements will be binding unless by a majority decision of active agreement holders, the group votes a change to prior agreements. Prior agreements grouped by form dates for clauses of the agreement. Dates will be determined by the form file date on the server and your email date as well as the form date held in the files of Spiced Com. The signed, hard copy, mailed document will be used to prove any contest of the art submitted. You are responsible for making your own copy of this form for your own records.
  • II. You will have to provide by email attachment, or standard diskette, the HTML document featuring and linkings your works. All of your works will be contained within your own directory. The form of the document must contain the clearly legible and printable, provided text. Though the display of the text and the document may be altered to present your portfolio; the general layout of the text to your art must be maintained. Though your works can be uploaded to, because of space/server considerations, a link back to your own WWW server space for the file is recommended and is perferred for files over 50,000 bytes, using the templates provided. A charge of $1.00 per month, will be paid in advance for every 500,000 dos bytes of space you require, on an annual basis with a $1.00 minimum charge per month for space usage of 500,000 bytes or less. The fee based on 500,000 byte increments include the mandatory text and page requirements of your catalog pages. The Co-op is charged $60.00 per gigabyte of download traffic per month which will be prorated to participating artists when deemed necessary. These fees to contribute funds to offset the costs of maintaining the site may change as required.
  • III. For works of size and made available to be linked to by and stored on your own server: Descriptions or thumbs may be used in the site catalog pages to link to your page per file. The pages linked to outside of can only link back to There will be no other link on your catalog pages to another page on your server or site other than back to except for an email link with perhaps a text description of the services you provide.

    Because it is not possible to verify the author of works, Spiced Com and the principles of this site are not responsible for the actual ownership claims and rights of the artwork submitted for lease. When submitting a work for this program, the submitting party of the work claim full ownership and the rights to display and sell display rights in exchange for a percentage of the collected customer fees; if and when their submitted works are leased by customers of It is only this person or group that submitted the work, named in the records of "Works Submission Form" (this agreement;) the signed hard copy held by, that is responsible and liable for any contest of ownership and the full responsibility of display/distribution rights for any file submitted to this site and the program for which the file is distributed meaning: Spiced Com and the principles of Spiced Com, Customers of this program of and other parties not claiming ownership but display rights of works properly leased and displayed according to the an agreement, are held free and clear of any contest and penalty; or charge, suit, or other damages from any and all contests of ownership and display rights and claims of works at this site. Further, we are holding the person or party that submitted the work for this site entirely responsible for the use of their submitted works; as this site details on this, and other linked pages of this domain. The name and other information of the submitting person or group will be made available upon reasonable request to any legal authority asking for this information when a contest of rights is at issue.

    Spiced Com has complete authority to decide if a work is suitable for publication and display at this site. Generally, any work that is considered suitable for a 12 year old American child to view will be acceptable. Spiced Com also has complete control and authority as to how a work is presented. Further, Spiced Com may remove any work from the site, at will, without cause, notification to the artist or submitting party, without explanation or reason to the submitting party and without any claims from the artist or group submitting the work except for the refund of any fees paid which will be reimbursed as calculated, prorated and expensed by Spiced Com.

    Please print clearly.


    Street Address:_____________________________________________________________________________

    City, State or Prov:_____________________________________________________________

    Country and Postal Code:____________________________________________________________________

    Email Address:_______________________________________________

    Web Address:___________________________________________________

    Name of File:_______________________________ Please follow the standard dos convention for your file name (12345678.123). If the name is already used at this site, your file may have to be renamed.

    Size of file in dos bytes:________________________

    Type and description of the file, jpg, mid, animated gif. (A signed and dated second sheet with the required information may be used.)



    To whom and where payments will be made if different to that shown above:

    I understand this agreement and agree to the terms. I have the legal right to the file(s) above, now submitted to for display and commercial lease. Spiced Com will acknowledge acceptance of this agreement when your works above are posted on the site.


    Signature and date:___________________________________________date:____________
    You must sign and date every seperate page submitted with this complete document.
    Make a copy of this completed form to file with your business records.
    You are responsible for keeping this form updated.

    Contact if you have a question about how to submit a work.
    Thank you.

    Copyright © 1997, SPICED.COM

    Spiced Com
    P. O. Box 61511
    Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
